Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Entering the ICW

What a day!  We were underway by 7 a.m. and crossed Mobile Bay which was only slightly choppy--about 2 foot waves.  We passed this shrimp boat as we left the bay.

  Upon entering the intercoastal waterway (ICW), we were immediately greeted by dolphins.  Sometimes just one or two and other times up to six.  What a great omen!  I tried to get a picture, but by the time I clicked the shutter, they were underwater and zooming away.  They are such marvelous creatures!

Entering the ICW

Within minutes of entering the ICW we met a Coast Guard boat coming toward us.  They motioned us to slow down (which we thought was odd since we were only doing 7 mph) and radioed to tell us they were planning to board us.  YIKES!  Turned out to be a routine inspection.  I think there were some new recruits on board and we happened to be the "boat of the day".  All went well and we passed with a gold star (even have the yellow paper to prove it!) so if we get stopped again we can show that paper and hopefully it will satisfy the next crew.  Twas a bit unnerving until we realized why they were coming aboard.

On to Pensacola Bay--a VERY large bay--and all kinds of military activity.  There were airplanes flying in formation,  a large ship surrounded by smaller vessels practicing water rescues of parachuters (water 56 degrees---BRRRR!), and helicopters buzzing overhead.  It was hard to keep an eye on the water markers with all that going on.

Coast Guard ship on military exercise
(This is NOT the one that stopped us.)

Finally on to Fort Walton Beach where we just happened to end up at the same dock as Ken and Barb (the Texans aboard "Loop Dreams"--yes, Alice,  the domino players!).  A long day, but we need to be in Carabelle by Sunday to meet Tom's brother, Rich, as he is joining us to do the Gulf crossing.

Barrier island off Alabama coast.  So nice to see the sandy beaches.  Now if it will just warm up!

Red day mark.  The numbering system on these markers does not coordinate with ICW miles, so it is taking a bit of adjusting to read charts which use the day mark numbers and match up with the guide books that use mile marker numbers.  I'll change that system when they put me in charge!

1 comment:

  1. I am still trying to get photos of dolphins, especially leaping out of the water.
