The rendezvous at Joe Wheeler State Park ended last night with a sing-a-long gathering at the lodge. Instruments ranging from dulcimer to harmonica provided the back-up. Great fun. This has been an amazing experience. People from as far away as Australia, many Canadians, some beginning, some ending, some dreaming. All very interesting and down to earth. Everyone has stories and all are willing to share information and tips. Some of the stories curl my hair and make me wonder why we are doing this, but most just make us want to get going. My brain needs more megabytes to absorb all the new information. The speakers were very knowledgeable and I am sure as we go along it will all come together.
Sing-along last night at Wheeler
Highlights besides the people, seminars and beautiful weather:
Tom and I entered and won the dinghy race. Tom, the driver, was blindfolded and relying on me for directions. Now most of you know I have a
slight problem with right and left, so I was sure we would go in circles as did many of the contestants. But we actually went quite straight, around the marker buoy and back to the finish line in just under 2 minutes. Tom actually listened to me! Other rules were the dinghy had to be in reverse the whole time and the navigator could only talk--no touching.
We were bused to a concert at a b&b outside Rogersville Tuesday night. Two very talented singers with equally talented back-up band performed mostly country and a s'mores bar along with our own wine (dry county) completed the evening. A bit on the chilly side, but lots of fun.
My washer-dryer is working!!! A call to the company tech (who was fabulous and should get a raise) and Tom rewiring the door latch (How does he know how to do this stuff???) and we are in business.
The NEW radar (replacement dome for the other new radar arrived here Friday) has been attached again by Tom and seems to be working as it should. The defective one has been sent back to Overtons.
Pictures may be limited as we realize we have left the cord to transfer from the camera to computer at home. That is on the list for Thanksgiving pick-up. So beware, we will inundate you with photos after that.
That's it for now. Linda